The Importance of Fatherhood

     As women currently fight to be seen as equals to men, I think that fatherhood is slowly but surely being forgotten. I personally don't think that what they are fighting for is bad, but I do think that it is causing the world to see fatherhood as less important. As we discussed the importance of fatherhood this week, I thought about my own father and my relationship with him. We don't have the best relationship in the world, but I know that it is great compared to anyone who grew up without a dad around. I feel that with all that has been going on in the world recently, fathers will simply become optional. 

     As more independent women realize that they can do anything on their own, they will eventually realize that they can also raise children on their own. They will soon think that fathers are optional. For example, while pregnant, women are the ones who carry the baby so they could assume that the father isn't really necessary. Also, they have the option now to get pregnant without even needing a father for the baby, they simply get a sperm donor. If a single mother struggles financially they can always receive support from the government. Mothers may think they don't need to have a husband to support them, they can work and send their children to daycare. There are many other reasons as to why fatherhood could be eliminated entirely, but there are also reasons as to why it is extremely important. 

     We have discussed the importance of fatherhood a few times in the past and have come to realize that fathers are actually really important for a child's development, especially for a daughter. Studies have found that when a girl grows up having a father around she is more likely to grow up to be a confident, secure woman. Having a father helps children regulate their emotions, and they are really good boundary setters. As well as being an example to their sons on how a man should act, and to their daughter, an example of how a man should treat a woman. 

     It was also discussed whether the father should be responsible for earning the income for the family. To be able to answer that, I think it is really important to refer to The Family: A Proclamation To The World where it says that fathers are to provide for the necessities of life while mothers are primarily responsible for the nurture of their children. So personally, I would say that yes, fathers are primarily responsible for providing for their family, BUT it also states in the proclamation that disability, death, or other circumstances may need adaptation. To me this means that maybe the mother may need to be the one responsible for providing the income, it all depends on everyone's personal circumstance. 

     So, even though the world slowly diminishes fatherhood, I think that we should be advocating it because it is really important for children to grow up with a father. I know that if I had not grown up with my father I would definitely not grown up to be the person I am today.

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