Sexual Intimacy and Infidelity

     Sexual Intimacy has become a topic that is so taboo that it is becoming more and more difficult to discuss it with children because we feel that it's bad. Yes, sexual intimacy is something that only adults should participate in, but I think that it is something we should be able to educate children about. I personally was never given the "talk" and I was left to learn about sexual intimacy at school or through friends and movies. 

     As a result of not educating children about sexual intimacy, we can see an increase on teen pregnancies, on younger children being sexually harassed and therefore becoming sexualized at a young age. As for adults, who did not grow up having a knowledge of the importance of sexual intimacy between husband and wife, they can develop depression, low self-esteem, low or no trust in a relationship, they lack commitment, struggle creating bonds, and objectify their significant other. When this happens I feel like it becomes easier for someone to fall into infidelity. Which contrary to what most people think, has several forms. There can be emotional and physical, and attached and detached. To learn about the different types more in depth read "Affair Prevention"

     Something that I did not know for the longest time was that an affair is more than just having physical relations with someone other than your spouse. It can also be an affair is you have an emotional attachment to someone else, or even something else. Basically anything that will take time away from time that you could be spending to strengthen your relationship with your spouse. 

     It has become more clear to me why people who get married eventually stop talking to friends they had that were of the opposite sex. I have had friends that have complained about their friends not talking to them after getting married, but knowing what I know now I actually think it is great that they stopped talking. I have heard so many stories of people who find old friends through social media and think it would be great to get together to catch up but rather than just "catching up" they end up cheating on/leaving their spouse for this "old friend". 

     Throughout writing this blog the only thing that keeps coming to mind is a quote from President Thomas S. Monson where he says, "choose your love; love your choice". In his talk he goes on to say that commitment in a marriage is essential. You can read the rest of the talk titled "Priesthood Power". His talk mentions how in a marriage both husband and wife are equals and neither one should act like they are superior than the other. I am not married but I truly believe that when you are not fully committed to your marriage you risk falling into temptation. Not being fully committed or not choosing to love your choice leaves a door open for Satan to sneak in and try to convince someone that they are not happy in their marriage, or that they can find happiness outside of their marriage.
     Like I said, I am not married so there are certain things about marriage that I do not know or understand at the moment, but I know that I have great examples of what a marriage should be, whether it be my parents, siblings, or friends and I hope that I can be as committed to my future spouse as they are to theirs because they have great marriages. 


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